Archive for May 5, 2009

The Introvert’s Guide to Social Disinteraction

I know that the purpose of my blog is to promote social networking, which clearly requires communicating with others. Duh. But I think it’s also important to know how to spend quality time with yourself. And I am not talking about the weekly appointment you have with your TV to watch Gossip Girl, but rather actually going out there and doing stuff solo; stuff that you would normally do with your BF, or BFF, or even your dog.

Yes, it’s scary…

Social stigma has much influence over HOW we perceive “acceptable” behavior. Notice that I am not saying “WHAT we perceive as acceptable behavior,” because behavior can be socially acceptable and yet still be perceived as bizarre. Just like eating lunch by yourself in High School was for losers, being your own best company is just … odd.

Well, I think people should do stuff solo more often. In my opinion, this type of “disinteraction” allows you to learn about your personal preferences and form individual opinions sans the social “noise,” which sometimes makes it difficult to differentiate between the opinions you form and the opinions you adopt from others.

With that said, I encourage everyone to try one of these:

Eat Out Alone

How often do you walk into a restaurant and say “Party of one, please”? That’s what I thought… Why is it that people rarely eat out alone? Is it that the food tastes better when you have someone to share it with? Why not pick a new place, order a house special and a glass of wine, whoop out a great novel (or even better – the latest issue of Glamour), and enjoy your dinner without feeling the pressure to discuss ANYTHING with ANYONE.

Go to the Movies with Yourself

If you can’t find anyone to watch the latest chick/man flick with, then do it alone. Trust me, the only awkward part about this is buying the ticket, plus all you are doing is staring at the screen anyway…  

Go to Networking Events… Alone

Forget your wing-person and check out one of these organizations in your area: I think this one speaks for itself. Find an interesting, local group and just go…!

French Tuesdays is geared towards young professionals. The events are exclusive but always fun. And you will not be the only one going solo.

Net Party is coming to San Francisco soon. I haven’t been to this one yet, but am looking forward to the launch party!

Get ONE Ticket to a Local Performance

Ballet, opera, musicals, symphony, concerts, museums… Shall I continue?

I was actually forced to test this one out last Saturday when a friend flaked on a Red Poppy Art House performance that we planned to attend (no, I’m not mad). I made a last minute attempt to invite someone else. Denied. So I thought this would be a great opportunity to follow my own advice and go alone. And I did. Did I meet anyone new? No. But it was still awesome!

Go for a Not-so-Lonely Hike

A while back, I posted an ad on craigslist for free dog walking services. To my own surprise, I got 2 responses IMMEDIATELY. People love free stuff! So I got to enjoy the city weather for a couple of weekends with a cute Jack Russell Terrier while feeling really good about helping someone out.

So stop being so dependent on others to provide you with entertainment, get out of your bubble, and do it ALONE! Trust me, you will be really proud of yourself afterwards. Just don’t overdo it. Let’s revolutionize the typical one step at a time.

May 5, 2009 at 4:00 pm 8 comments

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Brazen Careerist

May 2009